Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Accepting who you are is hard sometimes, especially since the world tells who and where you should be in your life. It's not always society who tells you to change who you are, a lot of times it begins at home with your family( parents, siblings, and other extended family members) . So when that happens insecurities come in and you began to believe what has been said about you, to you and how society views you. Then you begin to put pressure on yourself and that's when you start changing who you are (your hair, clothes, and your speech) . Once it's all said and done you look in the mirror and you don't recognize the reflection. The point I am trying to make is Be You and Accept who God created you to be. Until next time...

      "I let the peace of God rule in my heart. I refuse to worry about anything " 1Peter 5:7

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