Sunday, November 23, 2014


When it comes to Expectations you've got to have a balance especially when it comes to people. Having Expectations on the job, at school, your home, and God that's different. Allow me to explain, we as a human race Expect to much out of each other and we also can be critical and judge mental. For instance some of us say the reason they don't go to church is because the Pastor isn't practicing what he's preaching and the members aren't being the Christians they claim to be. That brings me back to the point I am trying to make we need a balance when comes Expectations because the Pastor isn't GOD and the members aren't perfect as well. With that said Acceptance is the key, if you Accept people for who they are then you wouldn't have high Expectations for them! Until next time...
         " I will trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not to my own understanding, but in all my ways I will acknowledge Him and he will direct my path.  -Proverbs 3:5,6

Who Are You???

Who are you ? I have your answer. You are beautiful and unique , You're smart and wise , You're the person nobody else can be, and last but not least You're who God created You to be. Don't allow anyone to label you, place an image on you that your trying to up hold. Don't allow insecurities and low self esteem to put you in bondage. You're a Beautiful person that people need to see and they need You too! Set yourself free from everything people , family, friends, and society have said YOU ARE!!! The Bible says that we are made in the image of God, which means we are Awesome, Amazing, Loving, and Gorgeous.

     " I praise you, for you are fearfully and wonderfully made ."
                                            Psalm 139: 14

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Who's taking Care of your House(You)???

Such a good question that truly deserves an answer. What I mean by House is your spirit and your body. The main focus is your Spirit because what you allow to happen on the inside of you reflects on the outside. See on the inside is where insecurities try to hid and the more they try to hid, the easier their seen. For instances imagine your a beautiful House, the inside is gorgeous and you have two levels. Now lets take a look the inside of the house. There are five bedrooms, two bathrooms, an attic and a basement. People have moved in and out of the House (relationships with men or women), kids have drawn on the walls in the bedrooms (labels or images people use to describe you), the attic is filled with things from peoples past that they're holding on too (memories good or bad) and last but not least the basement has things people have, that hasn't been seen by others but are yet to be exposed ( secrets, insecurities, heartbreak, abuse and pain). Now the House begins to fall apart on the inside (your Spirit) and outside (your Body), because the House (you) wasn't created for mistreatment and the person that built the house (God) had idea of the right family that needed to live there (The Holy Spirit and Jesus). So if your not taking care of You than who is or will? Also if not opening the door for the right person who can help get rid of things in your life that wasn't meant for you in the first place, then Who's taking care of You???

                      " My body is the house of God. God lives in me" 2Corinthians 3:16

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Pictures of Life

I know the title is a little weird but The Pictures of Life means how we view every thing in life. For example, when you see your future no matter the age you Picture it in your mind how you think it will be. Picturing things in your mind is another form of your memory or imagination. We as humans take mind photos and sometimes the photos are bad memories and some are good but they're our personal pictures. That's why we ask the question where do see or picture your self in life. You should ask your self what pictures have I taken in the years of my existence? The key to this question is that it's just a Picture either in your past and if so gives those past photos (memories) to God. If your photos is what you want and you plan for your future, make sure your walking in the will of God and the void you trying to fill with beautiful photos (memories) of your future will be filled. Also remember the Picture of who you are can always be edited, cropped, and Photoshop if you allow God to help you become who you really want to be. That person you feel in your heart that you would love to set free she or he is not what everyone wants you to be. That's The Big Picture well until next time....

                                  " I delight myself in the Lord and he will give me the desires of my heart"
                                                                                                                 Psalm 37:4

Sunday, November 16, 2014


Control is such a small word but has such a powerful meaning. The human race loves to believe that if we have money, cars, clothes , and relationships we are in Control of our lives. But in reality all those things Controls us. If we learn to live without being concerned or worried about having so much Control of our lives we may be able to actually Live and not just be Existing. The word Control is just a word but it controls us sometime. So instead wanting so much control let's have Faith that everything that is suppose to be will be. Because God is in control and he has your best interest at heart!!!! Until next time...

                   "I live and walk by Faith and not by sight or feelings"  Hebrews 10:38

              " My God shall supply all my needs according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus " Philippians 4:19

Friday, November 7, 2014


It's amazing how Anger sometimes feel so comfortable and in that moment it feels right. But there are side effects to being Angry 1. Your are alone because you don't want to hear what anybody has to say. 2. You feel like no one understands what happening in that moment. 3. It's takes a lot of energy to stay Angry. 4. You don't get anything accomplished because your not thinking clearly. My point is that we have to stop thinking Anger is the answer for a lot of things because after its gone we have to clean up the mess we made during that moment. Also Anger is just a feeling that we have sometimes it's temporary and sometimes we need to get but not stay that way. When we come tour senses and we're thinking clearly we see that being Angry was pointless because a clear and rational mind always win. Just my thought you don't have to agree. Well see you later!!! With love Honest Monia......