Sunday, November 23, 2014


When it comes to Expectations you've got to have a balance especially when it comes to people. Having Expectations on the job, at school, your home, and God that's different. Allow me to explain, we as a human race Expect to much out of each other and we also can be critical and judge mental. For instance some of us say the reason they don't go to church is because the Pastor isn't practicing what he's preaching and the members aren't being the Christians they claim to be. That brings me back to the point I am trying to make we need a balance when comes Expectations because the Pastor isn't GOD and the members aren't perfect as well. With that said Acceptance is the key, if you Accept people for who they are then you wouldn't have high Expectations for them! Until next time...
         " I will trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not to my own understanding, but in all my ways I will acknowledge Him and he will direct my path.  -Proverbs 3:5,6

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