Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Well I and a lot of people can relate to the word Sadness , most of us try to ignore this feeling because we only see the negative in Sadness. We have been taught to ignore a lot our feelings and just keep them to ourselves, because in order to survive in this life you can't show so many feelings. This goes for women and men but if they weren't necessary God wouldn't have given us the ability to feel, whether Happy or Sad. The most outrageous thing and so contradicting is that we teach our men that they aren't real men if they cry or feel any kind of emotion but yet we want them to feel something when it comes to us women. You don't have to agree but it's the truth and that's because we as a human race are very selfish, only want to deal with our feelings and nobody else's unless its on our time. We have to learn and remember that these feelings are our gifts from God and we need every Sad, Mad, Bad, and Angry moment in our lives. Feeling Sad can sometimes motivate you to do better or  to help make a certain change in your life that needs to take place, also to help you become an Awesome woman or man. People we have to stop looking at everything in a negative perspective and see the positive in every situation, easier said than done but its possible with God's help. With every tear that is shed God takes them and after you cry you feel relieved to continue in this journey called life and then comes a smile with comfort of Happiness. Now with that said when the time comes and you feel everything but happy, don't stay there take or receive what you need to from the situation and move forward in your life. So feel free to feel Sadness or any other emotion that you want when you want because nobody is You, and no we don't or shouldn't want to see people Sad or hurting, but sometimes we should just be a hug, a shoulder, and listener for that person in their time of need. No one can tell you how or what to feel at that moment because you were created for something special and God has allowed you at that time to feel whatever it is you feel, for your Purpose and He needs you to feel and have a heart.... Until next time!!!
         " Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it springs the issues of life" -Proverbs 4:23
"You heard their cries for help and saved them. They put their trust in you and were never disappointed".-Psalms 22:5

Friday, December 12, 2014


Real Love is a topic that really didn't want to address. On the hand it's one that needs to be addressed, because people have misconstrued what "Love" really means or should I say what Love really is. People say love hurt, love don't love me, and my favorite love doesn't live here anymore. Love doesn't hurt us, we hurt each other by abusing and misusing the word Love. Quotes of Love hurting begins to make Love look and sound evil, mean, bitter, painful, and filled with hatred. Love by definition isn't any of those things, just because you took the word Love and the feeling it gives you and played with it like a ball, and said it to every man or woman you thought actually knew the definition of Love, doesn't make it real Love. When that happens then those quotes begin to flow through you mind and you begin to believe the wrong definition of Love. Then there are words like deep affection, fondness, tenderness, warmth, intimacy, compassion, concern, and care. Those words are beautiful and those words are the definition of Love from the human perspectives.The real definition is God, than we have words like unconditional, peace, joy, patients, kindness,faithfulness, comfort, and freedom comes from Real Love. I suggest that you get to know God because he is Love and if He's Love and we can't fathom what or who God really is. He only gives us pieces of who He is and what He can do, so with that being said we as a human race don't know how far the definition of Love really goes. Love is so much more than just a word. Until next time....
                                "Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with truth. It always protects, always trusts,   always hopes, and always perseveres. LOVE never fails." - 1Corinthians 13:4-8